It’s All in a Name

Mrs. Coach….. I thought about the name for my blog for a long time. Years, people! I finally made a decision and chose this because it describes my life. I am a head football coach’s wife; I have been a volleyball coach; I coach little ones and parents everyday in my job as a pediatric physical therapist; and, honestly, motherhood is coaching. Recently, the father of a new patient of mine said that he didn’t know what to call me. He knew my husband was the coach of one of the local football teams and I guess he didn’t want to call me Mrs. Kelly like all of the kids that I work with do. “I am calling you Mrs. Coach! Is that OK?” It sure was and it inspired the name for my blog.

I am a mom of 3 great kids (ages 15,12,7). I am the wife of a successful high school football coach and have been married for 20 years. I am a pediatric physical therapist and have been practicing for 18 years. I work with children of all ages with developmental challenges and their families. I played volleyball in college and have coached for brief intervals. My intent is to share what I know about being “Mrs. Coach” in my life. Coaching is bringing out the best in people. I have had many coaches bring out the best in me and I have been told that I have a gift for it. We are all called to use our gifts.

I have sat with the calling for a while to share my voice in some capacity. Actually, I “sat on it” and I recently got up. We all have something that we want to do in our lives and we all have reasons that keep us from moving forward. But I think the common thread in finally moving forward is courage. Because courage gets us beyond fear, beyond complacency, beyond doubt, beyond the current moment. I have a friend from PT school that recently began documenting her journey with her son. She tells the story of such courage. Check out “The Unlikely Guru” on Facebook. She is part of the reason I finally started this blog. Thank you Keely! As I told her after I read her first post, we never know who we will impact as we tell our story and in the most unexpected ways.

So I have started a journey as Mrs-Coach and I am excited where it will lead. Now.. I am going to find this blog and see what it looks like because I have no idea what I am doing at this moment!